Prashant Sitapara

Born in 1985, Vadodara, studied Diploma in Fine Arts from Sheth C. N. College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad and Post Diploma in Fine Arts from M. S. University, Vadodara. Since 2007, he has exhibited his works in various shows. He participated in the exhibitions held by Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy for four consecutive years, 2005-08. In 2010 his works were exhibited in a group show at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. In 2015, he also participated in International Art Summit organized by Indian government, New Delhi and Vadodara International Art Festival ‘VADFEST’. Further, he has participated in many group shows in Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Mumbai, New Delhi and Udaipur. He has been awarded at the National Competition organized by Agnipath, Delhi in 2007 and Ahmedabad Municipal Councilor Award in 2011.

He lives and works in Ahmedabad.

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30 x 22 Inches Serigraph on paper
Prashant Sitapara ₹ 8,000.00
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