Ronak Sopariwala

Born in 1981, Ahmedabad. He studied Diploma in Fine Arts (Applied Arts) from Sheth C. N. College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad. Since 2002, he has exhibited his works in various shows frequently. In 2013 he held his first solo show, ‘RONAK’ by Smart Art Hub, Ahmedabad, followed by ‘I’ sponsored by Sonal Ambani in Ahmedabad in 2014. Further, he has participated in many group shows in major cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, New Delhi and Vadodara. In 2005, he participated in the Indo-Italian Competition in Milan, and got selected for the same. In 2009, he also participated in a show at the Voipalla Art Centre, Finland organized by the Finland Embassy. In 2008, he received an award by Gujarat State Lalit Kala Academy.

He lives and works in Ahmedabad.

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22 x 30 Inches Serigraph on paper
Ronak Sopariwala ₹ 8,000.00
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